Tuesday, December 15, 2020 at 10:12 AM
Hello everyone! It's been a while here on the blog front, but we've still been around on our Twitter and developing!
We're excited to let you know about some recent changes in DotPurple that happened in v1.3 and v1.4. You can always view more detailed changes on our changes page here.
New Logo
Perhaps one of the biggest changes we made in v1.3 is our new logo! Our old one was plain and boring, and this new one fits in better on macOS and also reflects our product a little more clearly.
Browse a list of .NET tools you can install in one click!
We now offer an open-source list of .NET tools you can download and install in one click! To get there from the main menu, click "Tools", then click the "Browse Tools" tab. This list is open source, so if your favorite tool is missing, please submit a pull request on GitHub!
Search NuGet for .NET tools to download and install!
DotPurple Pro users can now search for tools and install tools from NuGet (nuget.org). Here's a short video demoing some of the new functionality for .NET tools:
.NET 5 Released and Compatibility
In case you missed it, .NET 5 is out! DotPurple is compatible with the .NET 5 command line. In fact, the live macOS and Linux versions of DotPurple are running on .NET 5 already!
Other Changes
Thank you for your support!