DotPurple v1.7 - Browsable template list and quality of life improvements!
DotPurple v1.7 - Browsable template list and quality of life improvements!
Sunday, May 16, 2021 at 03:05 PM
On the heels of v1.6 comes a new version of DotPurple with one new big feature and many smaller improvements!
Browse >950 templates to install in one click!
Just like the list of .NET CLI tools that's open source on our GitHub, we now have an open-source list of .NET templates that you can install with one click. Yes, we really mean one click -- we realize that in previous versions of DotPurple, the "one-click" installs of CLI tools took....two clicks. Now they take one. Save yourself 50% clicks!
Just like the one-click-install-now-actually-taking-one-click improvement mentioned above, we've made several other improvements to DotPurple that'll make your life a little easier.
Add an existing project to a solution:
Remove a project from a solution:
As well as these other changes:
Added a refresh/reload button to the tools and template screens
Run tool now defaults to the selected tool in the main available tool list
Improve UI here and there on Tools & Templates screens
Fixed not ignoring case when sorting several different things (project names, subprojects...)
Fixed uninstall tool not showing the tool's package ID / name sometimes
Use "net5.0" instead of "net5" -- if you get issues with building or running, try cleaning your project and/or using a custom target framework of 'net5' (or update your project's TargetFrameworks property)
Allow copying settings from one profile to another in a more convenient way (auto-saves -- be careful!)
Fixed bug where 'Other' framework type (e.g. 'net5.0-windows') didn't work right
Fixed bug in newer versions of .NET 5 where project types didn't load on create project
Fixed bug where you couldn't copy profiles to projects that hadn't been loaded in this session of the app (might make loading the "Copy To..." dialog take a little longer to load)